A hilarious and moving memoir—think Liz Lemon in a bonnet—about a woman on a quest to change her life, using Laura Ingalls Wilder as her prairie guide.
Kelly Kathleen Ferguson

You don’t have to be a Little House on the Prairie fan to admire this memoir/ travelogue, in which the author dons consignment shop blue floral prairie dress with traffic cone orange flounce and roadtrips solo, retracing the pioneer journey of Laura Ingalls Wilder.
Los Angeles Review
Snarky, courageous, but never taking herself too seriously, Ferguson makes her readers guffaw and cheer as she faces her fears head on
Mobile Press Register
...funny, candid, and, at times poignant, and as I read it I almost -- ALMOST -- wanted to be single again, so I could uproot myself and move to another city and write.
...witty, sharply penned, and thoughtful, taking a road trip through the prairie with Ferguson, who is both strong and vulnerable at once.